13 years old Indian girl addresses UN climate Change summit

This is a great achievement for Yugranta Srivastav, a 13 years old girl from Lucknow. Last week, she addressed the United Nations Climate Change Summit in New York. Almost all the top leaders including UN General Secretary Ban Ki Moon appreciated the speech of this little girl. In her speech she discussed the importance of the energy and potential which lies in children and youth. She also showed her concern about global warming, scarcity of food and drinking water and an outbreak of accentuated epidemics. She compared her age group to flowing river which can be allowed to make their own way in the direction in which they march.

After delivering the speech, she addressed one press conference and said “It was a very great experience for me because now actually I feel I’m one in a million who gets an opportunity to speak. I also met several heads of state and I was sitting next to Al Gore,”
Last year when she was in 6th standard, she joined “Tarumitra” (Friends of Trees) due to her inclination towards environment and nature. Tarumitra is an organization which tries to stop the felling of trees and forests, builds roadside gardens and cleans up garbage dumps, among other environment friendly activities.
We should take inspiration from Yugranta and try to protect our planet from global warming, deforestation, poverty, genocide etc.


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