Land Trading on Moon

If you are not aware of land trading on moon then don’t surprise. Yes, you can own a piece of land on real moon and even gift it to your beloved ones for the prices as cheap as $18.75 to $37.50 per acre, depending on location. A company called Lunar Embassy, which describes itself as “the founders and leaders of the extraterrestrial real estate market,” The Lunar Embassy was established in 1980 when Nevada resident Dennis Hope found a loophole in the UN’s International Space Treaty.

The loophole allowed Mr. Dennis to claim ownership to the Moon (along with the rest of the solar system, except Earth). Article VI of the 1967 U.N. Outer Space Treaty, which was ratified and is currently in effect states:
“States Parties to the Treaty shall bear international responsibility for national activities in outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, whether such activities are carried on by governmental agencies or by non-governmental entities, and for assuring that national activities are carried out in conformity with the provisions set forth in the present Treaty. The activities of non-governmental entities in outer space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, shall require authorization and continuing supervision by the appropriate State Party to the Treaty."

“Outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means."
Hope takes advantage of this perceived loophole in the treaty. The Moon cannot be claimed by nations, but the treaty says nothing about individuals and corporations.Hopes registered a claim to the surface of Earth’s moon and the eight other planets and their satellites with the U.S. government. He also sent notice of this claim the Russian government and the United Nations. Although his notices were never answered.
The 1979 Moon Treaty forbade ownership of the moon — including by any individual — but out of 185 member nations of United Nation only six members ever ratified this Treaty. Countries like USA, Russia, China etc which are on the verge of getting to moon on commercial basis, did not ratify the Treaty and the reason may be because they will be restricted on the exploitation of land of moon.

John Pike, a space policy analyst at the Federation of American Scientists says, “The bottom line is, he (Hopes) can’t own property on the moon unless he’s got a government to back him up. No one is claiming sovereignty rights on the moon. And if any government did, I’d be very skeptical that any other government would recognize that claim.”

Till now there is no comments from government on Hopes’ venture. Whatever the comments and interpretation have come are from analysts and people who specialize in matters related to universe, celestial bodies and even law and policies. May be because the money involved in the trade is not big enough right now, governments and authorities are showing a very little concern towards this trading. Otherwise, even if the government can’t oppose Hope’s venture as owner of the celestial body, it can probably entertain a fraud case or a public interest litigation against the company.

Although Chinese authorities have shut down this scheme in China on charges of “profiteering and lunacy.”, Lunar Embassy is in the business of selling Lunar Property for over two and half decade and has served millions of customers around the globe. It has even granted the rights to a couple of associated websites along with the main website to sell lunar land to corporations and individuals.
Whatsoever be the legitimacy of this trade you will for sure make your loved ones happy by gifting a piece of moon. Even our Shah Rukh Khan was gifted several acres by an Australian lady on his birthday.


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