Twitter has become a new tool for terrorists

According to the latest report by US army, twitter can be used as an useful tool for terrorists. The report presented by the 304th Military Intelligence Battalion and posted to the Federation of American Scientists Web site carefully examines the possible ways terrorists could use the latest mobile and web technologies such as the GPS(Global Positioning System), digital maps, and Twitter mashups to plan and execute terrorist attacks. Report said Twitter has also become a social activism tool for socialists, human rights groups, communists, vegetarians, anarchists, religious communities, atheists, political enthusiasts, hacktivists and others to communicate with each other and to send messages to broader audiences.

The report has pointed out three scenarios pointed out by cnet for using Twitter as a terrorist tool:

Scenario 1: Terrorist operative “A” uses Twitter with a cell phone camera/video function to send back messages, and to receive messages, from the rest of his [group] Other members of his [group] receive near real time updates (similar to the movement updates that were sent by activists at the RNC) on how, where, and the number of troops that are moving in order to conduct an ambush.

Scenario 2: Terrorist operative “A” has a mobile phone for Tweet messaging and for taking images. Operative “A” also has a separate mobile phone that is actually an explosive device and/or a suicide vest for remote detonation. Terrorist operative “B” has the detonator and a mobile to view “A’s” Tweets and images. This may allow “B” to select the precise moment of remote detonation based on near real time movement and imagery that is being sent by “A.”

Scenario 3: Cyber Terrorist operative “A” finds U.S. [soldier] Smith’s Twitter account. Operative “A” joins Smith’s Tweets and begins to elicit information from Smith. This information is then used for identity theft, hacking, and/or physical [attacks]. This scenario has already been discussed for other social networking sites, such as My Space and/or Face Book.

But we can’t blame twitter for this misuse, even terrorists are using blogs to spread their word and plan their next attacks. Only thing that I think twitter should do to track all its visitors and store their IPs so that can be used in future to find the exact location of the terrorist.


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